Saturday 10 September 2011

The Rules of Baking

The Rules of Baking

Since this is my first post, I'm going to start out by introducing myself, my real name is Shannon - but the internet name I've had for the past few years, is Gubler. You might know me from the numerous fanfiction and literature sites at Gublercullen - thanks to a rather worrying obsession with Matt Gubler & Twilight.

I started baking from an early age and unlike a lot of baking blogs, I won't be posting pictures of ridiculously beautiful cakes and biscuits that you mope over because you can't get your icing right or you made a little mistake with your oven temperature. Because I actually am one of those blog readers who can't help but sigh apathetically over the other bloggers' spotless piping bag handy work!

Anyhoo, ladeis & gents, here is a wee list of rules that one should always keep in mind when baking yummy treats:

Number One:
If it's can always fix it with frosting.
Of course this doesn't go with everything, if you burn the kids fish fingers and chips, don't just throw a dollop of butter cream on it (although, I'm sure they'd be delighted). But as far as cakes, cookies and dessert pies are concerned, butter cream fixes everything.

Number Two:
If it's reaaaaally burnt...laugh!
This tip at one point or another, will always come in handy. If you're entire batch of jam tarts have been burnt to frazzle (For some reason, jam tarts hate me, they are the only thing that I cannot make to save myself *mumbles grumpily*) laugh in the face of the situation. You'll know what to do different next time and it'll be an amusing FML moment to tell your partner or friend at some point.

Number Three:
Follow the recipe, unless you think there is room for imrpovement.
Once you turn into a super cupcake baker, you can throw in all sorts of tasty extras - until then however, stick to the recipe, it'll keep you chilled knowing that you know exactly what to do next and if it goes wrong, there's always that little bit of paper or that overly cocky baking blogger to blame!

Number Four:
Don't get stressed.
If you're baking with a purpose, may it be a birthday cake for a party or biscuits for the school bake sale, remember that getting stressed is only going to distract you from your goal. Don't panic, if all else fails, read rule number one again and make plenty of scrummy toppings and fillings to cover up whatever tiny mistakes there may be. Baking is always more fun with a light heart and a sense of humour.

Number Five:
Always respect the rejects.
That ugly little muffin you baked earlier and skillfully hid at the bottom of the basket may not be the prettiest, but will taste just as delicious as the other, far superior looking muffins will.

And finally, Number Six:
A little help goes a long way.
If like me, you don't live alone, you may find that whoever is in the house when you begin baking, will probably want in on the action. For me, it's my grandmother. Everytime i set out to create some cakey masterpiece she steps in and tries to pipe on some 70's style buttercream swirls and i can't help but thro a hissy fit worthy of a five year old. Lately, i've been experimenting a lot and have found that when I get stuck, it's always handy to have someone like my grandmother around to help if I get stuck or make a mistake. This also works if you're baking to a deadline and need a five minute rest before you start the next goodies, and you've got a pile of washing up to in whoever else is in the house for a hand, offering them a taste of the treats as payment!

So that's that guys and gals, Gubler's handy little rules of baking. Yes, I know, no actual skill has been learned by reading through the six tips...but I bet they made you giggle!

Tune in next time for a recipe for homemade lemon curd & buttercream and strawberry cream biscuits!